Website Pages: Profeta Health (Homepage, Our Story, The Health Hub)
I was brought onto a website revamp project for a relatively new halal vitamins and supplements company, with employees in the UK and the Middle East. Originally they're website was very much like a product directory, together through discussions, I brought them onto a vision of selling a lifestyle, with much more positive contextual imagery of happy and healthy people, families, children (that they target) - therefore selling a possible lifestyle with their halal vitamin products instead of just a cold pack of supplements.

All designs were wire-framed and created on paper and Adobe Illustrator, then coded by the internal coding team. 

Profeta Health

Visit the current website at:
See above for the new homepage design. We started with this first of all, to set the tone for the rest of the site. I modernised the site with a scrolling header image which promoted the latest products, offers and blogs. I then made it easier for visiting customers to quickly get to the relevant products for their needs, by introducing a 2x2 grid of images of key customer categories directly under the header image. 
See above for the 'Our Story' page design. I wanted customers to connect and 'buy in' to the company more, so by creating a company about us page it brings the customer onto the journey with the company; it aims to create fans instead of simply customers, which lead to customer loyalty and sharing with their friends.
See above for the layout design for the 'Health Hub' page, before all the content itself was completed and published. It keeps consistency with the scrolling header images, the most valuable content (the e-books) came immediately underneath, and then further blogs after that.
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